Dermatology in Bismark, ND

Individuals in Bismark, North Dakota have trusted in Fargo Center for Dermatology for comprehensive and personalized cosmetic treatments. If you are considering aesthetic enhancements, consider the countless provided by Dr. Ness.

Facial Treatments

Fargo Dermatology offers a wide range of facial treatments curated to help patients achieve clearer, softer, brighter skin. Our treatments also help protect the skin from future damage while reversing cellular damage that is currently present. Our facial treatments include but are not limited to:

Cosmetic Injectables

If you are seeking to reduce or prevent signs of aging, cosmetic treatments can help. Injectable solutions are designed to help your face retain its youthful complexion by promoting natural processes and reversing volume loss or wrinkle development. Some of the most popular injectable options at Fargo Dermatology include:

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are ideal procedures that can promote cellular turnover to clear the skin. Lasers are customized to address varying concerns from texture to discoloration. At Fargo Dermatology, we offer a variety of laser treatments including the following:


Microneedling employs hundreds of microscopic needles to uniformly distribute cosmetic solutions into the treatment area. Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling can significantly reverse signs of aging. There are varying microneedling devices, including:

Body Contouring

Body contouring goes beyond skin correction, targeting fat cells within the dermal and muscular layers to destroy them and subsequently slim the body. Patients seeking body contouring procedures have a variety of options at the Fargo Center for Dermatology, including:

Sclerotherapy for Leg Veins

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure aimed at treating spider veins and small varicose veins. During the treatment, a solution is injected directly into the affected veins, causing them to collapse and eventually fade from view. Patients who undergo experience little to no recovery time since Sclerotherapy is considered safe and relatively painless.

Custom Spray Tans

Custom spray tans offer a personalized approach to achieving a natural-looking tan without the harmful effects of UV exposure. Utilizing high-quality products and professional techniques, each Fargo Dermatology spray tan session is tailored to the individual’s skin tone and desired outcomes.

About Bismark, ND

Bismarck, North Dakota serves as the glorious state capital nestled along the Missouri River. Bismarck offers a blend of outdoor recreation, historical landmarks like the North Dakota Heritage Center, and modern amenities. With a rich history and scenic views, Bismark is a desirable tourist destination and a great place to call home.

Fargo Center for Dermatology

Fargo Center for Dermatology proudly provides quality cosmetic care to the Fargo, Bismark, and surrounding North Dakota communities. To learn more about our services and find out what is right for you, schedule a consultation via our online contact form or by calling our office.



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