in Fargo, North Dakota

Introducing the BBL HERO, a groundbreaking laser that redefines the possibilities of achieving flawless, radiant skin. Elevate your skincare journey with the next generation of BroadBand Light (BBL) technology, setting new standards for precision, power, and unparalleled results.

Key Features:

Revolutionary Speed: BBL HERO lives up to its name by providing High Energy Rapid Output. Experience quicker treatments without compromising on effectiveness. Unleash the power of HERO for faster, more efficient sessions.

Precision Targeting: Target specific skin concerns with unparalleled precision. BBL HERO’s advanced technology allows for targeted treatment of pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, and vascular concerns, leaving you with a complexion that radiates confidence.

Comfortable and Safe: Say goodbye to discomfort during laser treatments. BBL HERO prioritizes your comfort while delivering exceptional results. With advanced cooling technology, the procedure is not only effective but also a soothing experience for your skin.

Versatile Applications: BBL HERO isn’t just a laser; it’s a versatile skincare solution. From age spots to redness and beyond, experience the flexibility of BBL HERO’s applications, addressing a wide range of skin concerns in one comprehensive system.

Why Choose BBL HERO?

Visible Transformation: Witness the visible transformation of your skin as BBL HERO targets and corrects imperfections. Revel in the glow of a more youthful, radiant complexion.

Cutting-Edge Technology: BBL HERO represents the pinnacle of skincare technology. With advanced features and a commitment to innovation, Sciton ensures you receive the best possible treatment for your skin.

Customized Care: Your skin is unique, and so is your journey to beautiful skin. BBL HERO offers customizable treatments tailored to your specific needs, ensuring optimal results for every individual.


What does BBL Laser do?

BBL address discoloration/pigment/sun damage, rosacea/redness, brown spots

How many sessions of BBL will I need?

3-6 depending on severity of damage, lifestyle, product regimen and patient goals.

Who is not a good candidate for BBL laser?

Most patients can benefit from BBL; having tanned skin, recent sun exposure, certain medications can make skin more sensitive. We recommend scheduling a consult to evaluate skin, discuss health history, etc.

What should I avoid after BBL laser?

Retinoids and exfoliating products for 2-3 days, and direct sun exposure 4 weeks before and after.

Why do my dark spots appear worse after BBL?

When light and heat are used to target pigment, dark spots can appear more prominent when targeted appropriately which is temporary but can last 7-10 days.

How long does BBL laser take to heal?

There is essentially no downtime with BBL; however some patients will experience a feeling of a light sunburn, and sometimes minimal swelling post procedure; no flaking, or peeling.



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